Place to discuss various topics regarding public domain svg, community.
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The first four images in the front page appears to be stuck there.
It appears to always be publicdomainvectors images
It would be nice to have some way to send private messages to other users.
rob_s wrote: yeh it would I was thinking this the other day when I wrote that comment, "Does anyone else agree", I wanted to give you a nudge to get your views on it, but had no way of doing it, and some basic follow feature so you can see a particular users most recent images, this could work hand in hand with messaging I guess, and could be further extended with other community focused features in time, not sure what options you have with lavarel though, something like communitybuilder was good on joomla.
And this is a repeat post but kinda relevant the ability to search for artwork by user.
Can I just ask though do silhouettes of a naked people those where they are posed provocatively also count as nudity, I've seen a lot of these being marked as such even tho there is nothing on show, if you get my meaning.
I'd say no. Such silhouettes was use in the into to old James Bond movies so...
Rob_s wrote:
I suppose you are right, some of the old opening sequences seem to have been allowed, to be honest I thought all bond movies were PG, wasn't until I checked I learned otherwise, thank got my parent paid no attention, and blockbusters never seem to have minded either:
It does. But I suspect the ShutterStock images is still only searched by the title.
Nice. Is it possible to unclaim and image you claimed in error?
When clicking some images I consistently get a "500 Server Error" message.
This is just an idea, but it may be work checking out. There may be an issue with generating previews for files that contains character outside of 7 bit ASCII. If so some kind of escaping would be needed.
Thanks. Are the tags updated too because the related images seem not relevant any more.
OK,for now all images reported as explicit content are accessible only if registered.
Also blur with watermark will be added to preview images.
And I already see that it has been abused. Examples include (political reasons) (spam) (political reasons) (political reasons) (religious reasons) … -communism (political reasons) (obviously it may be offensive to racists) (obviously it may be offensive to racists)
As well as several more.
Rob_s wrote:
Thanks Liftarn, I figured it would be only a matter of time, Webdevs, I think the report function may need to be only accessible to registered users at some stage, to prevent this sort of abuse.
[FUTURE FEATURE] also a clearly defined standard of acceptable images a sort of moral code of practice need to be written up at some point, so as Liftarn pointed out, we do not find ourselves blocking everything, Once forum user numbers are up, I suggest putting together a focus group made up of registered users where you state the target audience, and we the community then vote on the types of images to be marked NSFW such as: racially motivated / nudity / bad taste / Xenophobia that kind of thing. Or if anyone has any other idea's then please comment.
What would be the right description? Something like "Vector image of the Yellow kid, an American comic strip character" or something else. I can change it, let me know.
Something like that, but the "Vector image of" seems a bit unnecessary.
It's traced from … kid001.gif and my trace is also available at … ow-kid.svg
Perhaps it's more recognizable now.
Rob_s wrote:
Now I get it, in which case you have a valid point, The Webdevs will take it from here.
I noticed … n-a-civara and the description made me wondering. As I was the one who vectorised it I know what it actually is, but I'm not that much of a comic nerd, but I would think people would recognise
Considering the recent discussions about censorship of the site I noticed that a log of LGBQT symbols have been deleted by admin and it made me a bit worried.
Might also want to consider something along the lines of:
what I propose is to add a check box to mark as being inappropriate for children, which would prevent some of the images making it to the home page,
If the judgement is in the hands of trusted admins that could work, but looking at the images that have been reported at it seems none of them is really NSFW unless you consider things like the Voyager plaque to be pornography.
these images would only then be visable to registered users who have verified their age is above the imposed age limit.
And some age verification script so only registered users above a certain age gain access to those images.
I think that would be excessive. I think a better solution would be like Facebook have with a warning text and "Click to reveal".
OK,for now all images reported as explicit content are accessible only if registered.
Also blur with watermark will be added to preview images.
That seems to be open to abuse. If you can hide any image just by anonymously reporting it. I see that already now several images have been reported because someone disagreed with the political views. I hope a better system will be implemented.
So as a general rule I remove icon, vector, graphic, clipart, symbol, line drawing, and usually different words for the same colour
If it's designed like an icon I'd like to keep icon.
When there is a name collision a number gets added to the title such as for
Am I right in assuming the title is used to find related images? This means the algorithm tries to find images that matches "Cartoon" and "scarecrow-1573221778" and as "scarecrow-1573221778" isn't used anywhere it fails.
If you go to and click the first image under related ( ) it gives a 404 error.
Are publishing rules of tech giants like Google or websites like Wikipedia way to go?
Well, Wikipedia is not censored and Wikipedia:Offensive material may be a place to look.
A policy of appeasement may look appealing. Especially if it helps draw in clicks, but it may backfire and drive contributors away if the artistic freedom is limited by narrow minded bigots.
there must be a reason the powers that be don't permit the publishing of childrens books that contain emoji flipping the bird,
I think this may need some more research, but … 4cQAvD_BwE
and I don't even recall seeing this type of emoji being available in android messaging either, so I trust they have done their homework.
Yes, about that... … id-svp.htm … -extended/
Like I say, we will have to see what the WebDevs decide, some of the clipart posted recently from the back catalogue is bordering on Obscene and some may be seen as offensive to some, to so it's definitely something that needs to be tackled at some point.
Removing them from the collection would be the wrong way to go as almost everything can be seen as offensive to someone. I notice that some images are now flagged as they may be offensive to racists.
The problem of giving extremists the ability to remove any image they don't like is that it goes down a very slippery slope.
Wow, that way way blown out of context. I understand the gesture, but to think an emoticon flipping the bird would cause a child to become a serial killer seems unlikely. I find the censorship more troubling. If we censor this harmless figure then we open up a very large can of worms. Are FreeSVG going to bow down to every request to censor something that someone may find offensive?
I guess you are talking about
I don't see why that would be considered so offensive.
I haven't came across images of that nature, I am sure there may be some floating around,
And some just turned up:
They are (sort of) NSFW, but should not be deleted as they are useful.