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Today I wanted to find a "blue eye" in FreeSVG. However, searching for "blue eye" seems to treats those tags with an OR modifier. I tried different combinations with +, AND and similar, but with no luck. I wonder it is possible to search for two or more tags with the AND modifier?
If not, it's just a minor limitation and I'm completely fine without it. I just wanted to ask, because it may exist in some form and maybe I just can't find/use it ;-).
Hi I don't know much about the search technology but for me when I enter the same search query I get fairly accurate results, it appears to first display results matching the exact query then displays results containing either words. I am not sure if it supports boolean operators like and + or, it's a fairly robust so I would suspect it does, but I do not know if all of the features have been fully implimented. The developers are working on advanced search parameters so purhaps this is something they could also look at for future updates.
Hmm, you might be right. Writing "blue eye" and "eye blue" returns the similar sets in result, with blue eyes first. I haven't thought that the following results can just match only one criterion. Thanks for your reply!
I would be curious to know for sure how it works myself, I am just basing my response on my personal observations so there is a chance I am wrong.
Hi, regarding tags, (ie it will display only SVGs which have tag in field tags.
Regarding search it it full text search engine and it has its own algorithm for ranking search results based on word order number of occurrences of searched word etc.
It is based on opensource search engine since performance of MySql full text search engine is very slow.