Place to discuss various topics regarding public domain svg, community.
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Error solveed,
yes, we analysed performance, and we have limited in order to improve overall serchh performance
we have forbidden links in forum because of lot of spam.
i will add id of a image in more info with edit button
OK, will do that
Tried several options.
Usually animations (at least ones in database) are large and leaving svg file would make page load too slow.
there is a lot of things to improve. I agree. It is a young site and even now have reasonable functionality for most users. We are trying to make prioritisation as users and developers.
I'm pretty much ignored on social media so I can't help much there. Also I'm a bit reluctant to endorse either OCAL or FreeSVG. OCAL dropped the ball, but now it actually looks like it may be be do a comeback. FreeSVG have done a great job in resurrecting the old clip art from OCAL, but it feel like a ghost town so it don't encourage participation. Right now I don't trust either site so I'll just sit and wait and hope time will tell.
Hi liftarn,
we took little break during holidays but I assure you that we are fully committed and improving site constantly
this is just to have functionality. I will try to rework this user profile dashboard.
Tnx Rob,
best wishes to you and your family also
Hi Rob,
holidays and such stuff
I could't work so much in past period but from today starting again.
I checked little around and found out best solution for user safe content which I implemented.
User now can set in user profile if he/she wants to show nsfw content (
All currently registered users set to show nsfw. New users will be defaulted to no. Also for not registered users this images will not show.
Yes this is true
I've tested several conversion engines for this purpose, now we are using one which can convert most of available SVG
I will make some checkup script to mark all images which are not converting correctly
Hi, regarding tags, (ie it will display only SVGs which have tag in field tags.
Regarding search it it full text search engine and it has its own algorithm for ranking search results based on word order number of occurrences of searched word etc.
It is based on opensource search engine since performance of MySql full text search engine is very slow.
will look into it.
Hi, I will remove it. Not sure who did list, just tried to avoid repetitive work.
If you have any other more sophisticated , please share it, I will replace it
vedran wrote:13. Plugin for Inkscape - next year
Nice list, but about this. Would this be a plug-in you have to install or would it be native in Inkscape as a replacement for the OCAL import?
Ideally we would like it to be native support just like Import Clip Art worked with OCAL in Inkscape. But I guess we would need some help from Inkscape community so if anyone can help us get in touch with responsible developers or have any contacts there it would be very useful. Any other suggestions are also welcome.
It was downloaded from common list, no words added.
deleting pot from censored list
OK. So can I add "edit image" button from each clipart page view? having to scroll through thousands of my clipart images to try to find one in my history to add tags to or something is a major headache. (On Openclipart us librarians could also edit titles/descriptions/tags on other images from the clipart view page, that also made editing wrong titles/tags etc very easy)
11. Direct fast corrections of text and tags on front end
I think this is it - I can only try make it earlier (priorities are subjective and open to discussion)
Below are planned features on site.
1. Tags safe word filter - planned completion this week
2. SVG safe - Child proof site - based on code of conduct all images marked by users and Google vision will be blurred and locked but visible only for registered users
3. Code of conduct - rules to agree on forum and publish in site - till tomorrow
4. Backup procedures and automatic archive generation for download -end of next week
4. Unified login to main site and forum - Not sure about deadline, will try to finish this year
5. Advanced search parameters (original poster, old clipart id)
6. Issue with non ASCII characters in name - End of this year
7. Collection functionality to be finished -
8. Site responsiveness tweaks - Windows 10 tablet and browsers - early next year
9. Tagging autocomplete - early next year
10. Online editing + conversion from PNG to SVG - early next year
11. Direct fast corrections of text and tags on front end (example
12.Comments SVG images - early next year
13. Plugin for Inkscape - next year
Hi Rob
all deletes are soft deletes meaning that they are only marked as deleted. So no data is lost. I can maybe make some menu with list of deleted images for moderators to see and check if some image is deleted with purpose.
Maybe all of them in random order
Hi, collections are still in development.
intention is to mimic collections from openclipart.
Plan is to add button next to "claim svg" "Add to collection" where user can select own collections and add SVG to collection.
Added PM to forum